It was not easy to design an invitation to the baptism of a little boy by using a Socratic dialogue.
The hardest part was to find the right questions that would lead the reader to the right church at the right
time bringing the right present for the young boy. This was however the job of my colleague
and copywriter Elina. I ‘just’ tried to find a way to drag one literally into the card. I wanted the visual
language to be strict, yet funny.
The illustrations that Tassos delivered were exactly what I had imagined: ancient with a twist.
The first impression when you get the invitation is the one of a blank folded piece of paper, but after you
(re-)moved the red stripe and started unfolding the card the story is revealed step by step.
With every question and with every illustration you come a little closer to the baptism of little Socrates!
Agency: Some Think
Copywriter: Elina Roinioti
Illustrator: Tassos Papaioanou

This invitation was inspired by the venue of the baptism, a small church hidden in the "greens" of Corfu
and aimed to be simple and joyful to match the baby girl's character.
Wild animals and exotic flowers were added to the scenery to enhance the fairytale effect since
our little princess of the jungle is an introvert hidden in the tank.